Some are studded with diamonds or gemstones while others feature one or more tones of gold. More intricate hoops are complex and can be several hoops combined together into one earring; for the most part large hoop earrings consist of a single hoop with some sort of design or embellishment. Some hold some special significance, such as a birthstone or symbol as part of the design, while simpler ones tend to be for everyday wear. Regardless of the style chosen, large hoop earrings are common decoration for the ears of most women.

Where did this trend towards large hoop earrings start? It’s hard to designate a particular place or year that the trend took hold, but now it is a part of common fashion and found everywhere. Women of all ages are seen sporting larger hoops in various simple or elegant designs made from platinum to plastic. Hoops can sometimes be seen in the ears of men, even.