Small hoop earrings are a fun accessory that can enhance any outfit you are wearing. The most common type of hoop earrings are the classic thin gold ones that continues to be popular over the years. These earrings can be worn with both casual and elegant attire. For example, you may wear plain yellow
gold ones while shopping the mall in your jeans. However, for a night on the town you may choose white gold or
silver to complement your black dress. The most common place people wear earrings is in their ear. Lately, though, they have been showing up on other parts of the body.
The first place outside of the ears that small hoop earrings showed up was in the nose. Having a pierced nose was counter culture and so everyone who wanted to be different went out and got their nose pierced. Most people settled for a small diamond stud because it was unobtrusive.
However, those that really wanted to make a statement wore a hoop earring in their nose. At first it was shocking but has become very common place today. Although it is traditional to wear it on the side of the nose, some people have taken to wearing a hoop rings as a bull ring.